03: How to Find Your Niche, Building a Team, & Self Care With Rebecca Teaff


In This Episode

Rebecca Teaff is the founder of Redstart Creative, which is a marketing company that focuses their talents on supporting non-profit organizations and small businesses.

Find Rebecca  Facebook / Instagram / Twitterredstartcreative.com

Put A Pin In It: Rebecca’s upcoming webinar “Get Started Marketing” will be released in mid-April.


  • Find your voice within your natural talents. It will help you stay passionately connected to your mission and purpose.
  • Develop and nurture a network of “business besties”. They will help you maintain your focus and  encourage you when things aren’t picture perfect or you’re making a big decision.
  • Communication is key.  Keep communication lines transparent with your employees, clients, and most importantly, yourself.
  • Use the tools you are given. Accept that growing a business is a process. So, use any tools you have, whether it be a great life coach or colleagues from past successes. Use their expertise.

“When I start my day off with some prayer and journal time, which doesn’t have to be much, 5 to 15 minutes, I am so much more focused and much more calm during the day”.


” It’s okay to make that decision to say this is what I need to do right now and the other thing has to wait.”

  • Lifestyle & Balance
    Unplug once in awhile. Build a team you trust enough to pass them the ball when you need some time for self-care.
  • Listen to yourself. When you recognize what you need, give yourself work boundaries that keep you productive.
  • Create a schedule that fits your lifestyle. Make time for enough sleep and eat healthy.
  • Don’t beat yourself up when you’re not perfect.

"It's been eye opening to see what takes the minimal amount of time that makes the most impact." - Rebecca Taeff